  <% dt=date wk=weekday(dt) response.write formatdatetime(dt,1) select case wk case 1:wkstr="日" case 2:wkstr="一" case 3:wkstr="二" case 4:wkstr="三" case 5:wkstr="四" case 6:wkstr="五" case 7:wkstr="六" end select response.write " 星期" & wkstr %>
<% if not isempty(request("page")) and request("page")<>"" then currentPage=cint(request("page")) else currentPage=1 end if MaxPerPage=8 '###每页显示条数 sql="select * from book order by id desc" rs.open sql,conn,1,1 if not rs.eof then rs.pagesize=MaxPerPage '得到每页数 mpage=rs.pagecount '得到总页数 totalPut=rs.recordcount if currentpage<1 then currentpage=1 end if rs.move (currentPage-1)*MaxPerPage end if if rs.eof and rs.bof then%>
<%else k=(totalPut-MaxPerPage*(currentPage-1))+1 do while not rs.eof k=k-1 ii=ii+1 if ii=2 then ii=0 bg=" bgcolor=#F2F8FF" bg2=" bgcolor=#FFFFFF" else bg="" bg2=" bgcolor=#F2F8FF" end if%>


第 <%=k%> 条留言
<%if rs("url")<>"" then%> "> <%end if%> 主页 <%if rs("email")<>"" then%> "> <%end if%> 信箱 <%if rs("oicq")<>"" then%> "> <%end if%> OICQ

.gif" width="15" height="15"> <%if rs("show")="1" then%> 给站长的悄悄话... <%else%> <%=rs("ly")%> <%end if%> <%if rs("re")<>"" then%>
站长回复 : <%=rs("re")%>
<%end if%>
<%=rs("time")%> <%if rs("guestip")<>"" then%> <%if adminok="ok" then%> <%=rs("guestip")%> <%else%> <%=left(rs("guestip"),8)%>... <%end if%> <%end if%>
<%i=i+1 if i>=MaxPerPage then exit do rs.movenext loop end if%>
  留言总数:<%=rs.recordcount%> 每页<%=MaxPerPage%>条 [刷新]

<% pageno=currentPage %> <%if cint(pageno)>1 then%> <%end if%> 9  <%if cint(pageno)>1 then%> title="上一页"> <%end if%> 7 <% pp=cint(pageno)-5 if pp<1 then pp=1 end if for pno=pp to mpage p=p+1 if pno*1=cint(pageno)*1 then %>  [<%=pno%>] <%else%>  >[<%=pno%>] <%end if%> <% if p>=11 then exit for next%>   <%if cint(pageno)< mpage then%> title="下一页"> <%end if%> 8  <%if cint(pageno)< mpage then%> <%end if%> :

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